Finance & Assets

23-24 AGAR 

Budget 24-25 approved 09.01.24 

Budget Out-turn at 31.03.24

Payments and Receipts to 31.03.24

Asset Register at 31.03.24 


2023 Exercise of public rights 

AGAR 22-23  

Receipts and Payments at 31.03.23

Budget Out Turn at 31.03.23 

Asset register at 31.03.23 

Budget 22-23 approved 12.01.22


21-22 Exercise of Public Rights 

 21-22 AGAR

Contact details 

Receipts and Payments 21-22

Budget Out Turn report 31.03.22 

21-22 Budget approved 12.01.21 

Asset Register at 31.03.2022


20-21 AGAR 

20-21 Exercise of Public Rights 

20-21 Explanation of variance 

Asset Register 2021

20-21 Receipts and Payments 01.04.20 to 31.03.21

20-21 Budget Out Turn report 

Bank Reconciliation as of 31.03.21 

 Budget 20-21


19-20 AGAR 

19-20 Exercise of Public Rights Notice

19-20 Receipts and Payments 1st April - 31st March 2020 

19-20 Budget

19-20 Budget Turn Out Report 

19-20 Internal Auditor's Report 


18-19 Accounts - Public Right to Inspect 

18-19 Annual Audit Statement 

18-19 Receipts and Payment 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 

18-19 Budget


17-18 Annual Audit Statement

17-18 Receipts and Payments 

17-18 Budget 


16-17 Audit Completion Statements

16-17 Receipts and Payments  


15-16 Receipts and Payments

15-16 Audit Notice and Statement of Accounts 

15-16 Audit Completion Notice 


14-15 Audited Statement of Accounts


Members' Allowances - Members receive no members' allowances

Members' Expenses - No members' expenses have been paid

Register of gifts and hospitality - No member has recorded any disclosable gifts or hospitality 

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